Ibn Battuta Mall


The Ibn Battuta Mall was designed as a retail experience intertwined with story-telling, specifically the journey of the Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta, who's exotic travels from Andalusia to China in the fourteenth century are articulated in authentically reconstructed environments and set-pieces in this one-kilometer long mall. Completed in 2005, and currently going through an expansion, this retail center broke new grounds in repositioning retail and entertainment within a context of education and discovery of exotic destinations.


Developer: Nakheel Properties
GBA:521,000 sm
Location: Dubai, UAE
Completed: April 4, 2005


Architectural Design: CALLISON


RO SHROFF: Principal in Charge

The project was led and involved by current 3MIX individuals while working at Callison, where they played key roles as described above.
Callison was acquired by Arcadis in October 2014 and become CallisonRTKL in July 2015.